
Projet: Sexual and relational trajectories of adults

The Project "Parcours relationnels et sexuels d’adultes ayant vécu une agression sexuelle durant l’enfance" is looking for male and female adult participants who experienced child sexual abuse for a study at the Department of Sexology (Professors Mylène Fernet, Natacha Godbout and Monique Tardif). Participation involves answering a series of questionnaires (30 minutes) and taking part in an individual interview (3 hours).

This project will have a positive impact for professionals and clinicians working in the public and private services. Better coordination between these services is necessary and the data will help clarify the difficulties that the victims experience during their life trajectories.

Contact :

(514) 987-3000 # 1053


Gaïa Project

This project aims to develop, then examine the effectiveness of a multi-modular program for the prevention of violent behaviour among young sexual abusers and their families. This project is conducted in collaboration with Monique Tardif (Principal Investigator), Martine Hébert, Natacha Godbout and Mylène Fernet, and is funded by the National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC).

CRIPCAS Québec Survey

Who can participate?

Quebec individuals aged 18 or over.


About the study

This study evaluates marital and personal history, psychological well-being and physical development of adults in the province of Quebec. Its main purpose is to provide a detailed portrait of Quebec's population and to compare individuals who report a history of sexual assault and/or marital problems with individuals who don’t.

MÉTA Project

Meta-analysis on violence and romantic relationships in adolescents

This meta-analysis aims to identify risk and protective factors associated with violence in adolescent’s romantic relationships. This meta-analysis will also be used to explore specific risk factors of two vulnerable clienteles: youth who report childhood sexual abuse and youth sexual minorities. 

For more information :

Two adults and children playing a board game